Mobile Device Management (MDM)
Mobile Device Management (MDM)
Mobile Device Management (MDM) is a critical component for small businesses and large enterprises alike that depend on their company-issued mobile devices to move their business operations forward. To improve team productivity, communication, collaboration, processes, data collection and so much more, no modern business can go without a strong enterprise mobility portfolio of devices and software components.
With so much riding on the ability and availability of mobile devices and applications, you need a mobile device management platform capable of monitoring and securing device integrity, in real-time. Not to mention, you need a mobile device management platform that can register, assign and launch new devices as they are added to your workforce’s total pool.

Mobile Device Management (MDM)
Mobile Device Management (MDM) is a critical component for small businesses and large enterprises alike that depend on their company-issued mobile devices to move their business operations forward. To improve team productivity, communication, collaboration, processes, data collection and so much more, no modern business can go without a strong enterprise mobility portfolio of devices and software components.

With so much riding on the ability and availability of mobile devices and applications, you need a mobile device management platform capable of monitoring and securing device integrity, in real-time. Not to mention, you need a mobile device management platform that can register, assign and launch new devices as they are added to your workforce’s total pool.

ScanOnline’s MDM offerings include industry-leading enterprise mobility management platforms to protect and control the vitality of your mobile devices, supporting their lifecycle until they are retired from service. All of our partnerships include Android Operating Systems, the OS of choice for enterprises and device manufacturers alike. Our professional services behind our end-to-end MDM solutions will also ensure a proper deployment, device enrollment and configuration of the mobile device management software and the mobile devices you choose.

Device Management
Device Security
Content & Application Management
Industry Leading Brand Partnerships
ScanOnline’s Professional Services
Device Management
- Asset Tracking & Reporting
- Help Desk & Remote Service
- Real-Time Device Diagnostics
- Push Notifications
- Historical Data Reporting
- Inventory & Licensing Management

Device Security
- Anti-Malware/Anti-Virus
- Compliance & Privacy
- Data Loss Prevention
- Web Filtering
- Geofencing & Speed Control
- Remote Lock & Wipe

Content & Application Management
- Content Library Control
- File Synchronization
- Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO)
- White & Black Listing
- Enterprise Application Catalogues
- Remote Application Deployment, Updating & Configurations

Industry Leading Brand Partnerships
Popular Zebra Technologies Hardware Options for MDM
- Zebra TC8000
- Zebra TC51/56
- Zebra MC3300
ScanOnline’s Professional Services
Our expertise in Enterprise Mobility Management is what you need to configure your software to the exact specifications required for the MDM platform to do its job, without issue. From staging and roll-out services to asset tagging.