FSIoffice Transforms Route Delivery Process with ScanOnline

FSIoffice Transforms Route Delivery Process with ScanOnline 150 150 ScanOnline

FSI Route Delivery Box Scan ScanOnline Managed ServicesSummary:  FSIoffice (also known as Forms and Supply Inc.), a nationwide office supply and furniture wholesaler, wanted to update a legacy route delivery mobile application used in their fleet of trucks in Charlotte, NC, first forged by ScanOnline over 15 years.  That same app was also used in other FSI facilities around the Southeast, and any new version would expand to those locations in time. 

Rather than update and patch only the program, ScanOnline built a new solution for FSI, which included a custom route delivery app, ruggedized mobile handheld devices, mobile device management software, and an advanced device mount system for FSI’s truck fleet.

The consultation, strategy, procurement, and deployment process led by ScanOnline and its managed services group, included four OEM and ISV partnerships (BlueFletch, ProClip, SOTI, Zebra) to meet and surpass FSI’s expectations.  Together, the solution expands on the breadth of route delivery workflows that can be tracked, managed, and supported, whether workers are on-the-go or fixed to one place.  Application features are integrated within a multi-phase effort; after completion of the 1st, FSI reports the onboarding process was a seamless experience and has seen an increase in productivity. 

FSI and The ScanOnline Managed Services Group teamed up on route delivery system.Company Bio:  FSIoffice, founded in 1962 as Forms and Supply Inc., is a wholesaler of assorted office supplies and furniture for multiple industries. The company, with over 250 employees, stretches across 11 locations within North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia.  FSI sells basic office necessities (pen, paper, organization tools), the extras (breakroom, cleaning supplies for in house service) and more, all the way up to commercial and education furniture for carpeted spaces. 

FSI’s customer base includes small-to-corporate sized businesses, and many industries including education, healthcare, public services/government, and remote workforces. 

The Story:  In April 2020, FSIoffice’s route delivery application, developed by ScanOnline two decades ago, required an update.  FSI was very happy with the app, as it efficiently managed their warehouse and field service teams real-time operations; however, after concluding that an array of database changes couldn’t be delayed any longer, FSI ultimately decided to review their route delivery app and workflow process concurrently.   

“What made the FSI project unique was the long-standing use of the original program, which was written by ScanOnline.” states Chad Gilbert, Business Development Manager and FSI’s main point of contact.  “It is rare that a program which was written for a customer’s needs years ago, is reliable enough to support such a long lifespan.” 

Since ScanOnline was the original creator of FSI’s route delivery system, and the two companies have since maintained an excellent relationship, both parties quickly began to collaborate.  Much like the 1st iteration of the app, it was critical that ScanOnline’s professional services team reviewed FSI’s current needs, uncovered their new challenges, and understood their post-project expectations, alongside The ScanOnline Managed Services Group.  “The FSI team had a 20-year level of trust with ScanOnline.  This made presenting, planning, the SOW and the execution of the project so much easier.” notes ScanOnline President Brian Graves. 

FSI and ScanOnline Managed Services ConsultationScanOnline and FSIoffice first focused on the current application as it stood; a decision needed to be made on whether modifications would suffice, or if building a new version was the correct path.  The age of the app itself helped narrow the course of actions to be taken.  Both the data collection industry and supply chain field have undergone many changes over the application’s lifespan. 

FSI knew this and wanted to identify features and benefits that would evolve their next route delivery solution to the standards and best practices in similar workplaces today.  App and hardware options like GPS functionality and image capture of delivered items were added to a wish list that noted areas for improvement, which expanded the more FSI and ScanOnline scrutinized real-world scenarios against technology capabilities. 

Hardware, in that case, received much attention as well during the early days of consultation.  It needed to be able to perform all the newly proposed app features for there to be any tangible benefit to applying them. Even though FSI did update its rugged handheld device pool years after the route delivery system launched, the company could stand to integrate a new generation of tech that could pair well with the app project, alongside any other devices that would remain in service.  Yet, FSI and ScanOnline agreed that all handhelds, whether old or new, would need to run on Android, the leading mobile operating system for businesses worldwide.  Windows’ Mobile Handheld operating system had long served FSI well, however Microsoft no longer supported it. 

Proclip Mount - TC58 Dock - Managed ServicesFor greater field service efficiency, mounting solutions for handhelds came under review nearly as early in the consultation process as mobile device hardware did.   After all, truck drivers are at the core of FSI’s operations, and as last-mile suppliers, the company needed to think through every step of their route delivery operations.  Mounts, like technology, have taken many leaps over the years and are not mere prongs any longer.  Plus, FSI has a diverse fleet of vehicles and careful consideration was needed for sourcing mounts in general. 

Challenges:  In short, ScanOnline’s primary objective in a consultancy role was to give FSIoffice the best path forward from where they currently stood, by answering a number of questions.  Maybe more importantly, what organizations would be involved in such a project, and how would ScanOnline play a role? 

The 1st challenge for FSI and ScanOnline of course was to determine if updating or rewriting the app was best.  Equally important in this decision is the requirement that the new version is compatible with Android, to future-proof operations and to again, take advantage of features and benefits that did not exist prior to their last app launch. 

Second, FSI had some clear thoughts on hardware.  Ruggedness, size, and portability mattered, as did the accessories that complemented any device they landed on, to allow for more use across device generations.  FSI, as an organization, took great care of their older handhelds, given how long they stayed in service, thus the right device would be mostly resilient to accidents, offering high drop specs on concrete relative to data collection industry standards. 

Third, mobile device management (MDM) software was assessed as critical to the development process for two reasons: to allow for the remote deployment of the route delivery app across FSI’s handheld pool on FSI’s schedule and to give warehouse managers the ability to monitor and manage both devices and the app in real-time.  The visibility of business, operations and technology on the fly is always valuable, when it comes to transportation and logistics. 

Lastly, FSI wanted a mounting system that would allow their drivers to not only prop handhelds in trucks across their fleet but could charge them at the same time.  The right provider would be able to meet these requirements for all FSI’s trucks of various makes and models.  They also would be a strong ally post-deployment, for all parts and servicing requests thereafter. 

The Approach:  After multiple discussions, it became clear that rewriting the application with the aid of a custom app developer was the right move.  Further, it was concluded that the project needed the help of two original equipment manufacturers (OEM) and one more independent software vendor (ISV) to supply the rest – rugged mobile devices, MDM software, and truck mounting hardware.   

Since there were many app enhancements slated for the project, it was also determined that this would be a 3-phase project.  To maintain a continuity of operations without major interruptions, the core features and benefits of the route delivery system would be addressed 1st. 

Finally, with everything laid out succinctly, FSIoffice thought there was no partner better for the job overall than ScanOnline and its managed services to get everything – and everyone – across the finish line. 

ScanOnline Managed Services Consultation with FSIofficeChad Gilbert was the leader behind the coordination of all partnerships tapped to assist with the route delivery solution, serving as the endpoint between ISVs, OEMs, The ScanOnline Managed Services Group and FSI.  Gilbert’s efforts allowed both operational and technical roles to focus on the areas they were tasked to develop and manage.  His deep knowledge base in warehouse operations, data collection technology, and standards in pricing was a huge benefit to all parties. 

“I am grateful for the assistance and direction Alex Alksnis (FSI Warehouse Manager) provided throughout the project.”  mentions Gilbert.  “He had a great grasp of what FSI ultimately needed from this solution.  I am also thankful for the knowledge and experience that Lowell Harris (FSI Network Admin/Web Developer) brought to the table. Between Lowell and Alex, the development, trial and deployment process went very well.” 

Bluefletch custom softwareScanOnline’s trusted custom app developer, BlueFletch, was brought in to assess the current application alongside FSI’s wish list.  BlueFletch has collaborated with ScanOnline on previous projects in the past and has exemplified their mission to deploy end-to-end solutions that are ready to deploy upon the completion of all project scope line-items.  As one of fastest growing ISV partners of Zebra Technologies’, this coupling also made sense, when it came time to selecting the hardware that would run the app. 

Zebra TC53 staged by The ScanOnline Managed Services Group

To that end, FSI and ScanOnline looked no further than FSI’s tried-and-true rugged mobile device brand of choice, Zebra Technologies, for all its handheld hardware procurement needs.  Chad presented at FSI headquarters a wide variety of rugged mobile devices from within Zebra’s large portfolio of options, which allowed managers, truck drivers, and warehouse workers the chance to try out multiple form factors and give feedback on each.  FSI’s collaborative approach narrowed down their options to Zebra’s TC58; a versatile choice that best mirrored their wish list. 

“I liked working with Zebra on this project because they provided us with all the resources needed to help FSI make the most educated hardware decision possible,” states Gilbert.  “FSI is hoping to get good life out of their TC58s and Zebra’s assistance helped us provide them both the information and hands-on experience needed.”  “The TC58 provided the cellular capabilities and flexible form factors (handheld, triggered gun and wearable) that FSI may consider soon,” Adds Graves.  “It affords an opportunity for FSI to standardize around one unit that can perform many role functions.” 

FSI SOTI MDM with ScanOnline Managed ServicesAs development began within the discovery phase, SOTI, a leader in MDM solutions, as seen in its Mobicontrol product, was selected to take on the role of deployment manager once the application was ready to be staged.  SOTI Mobicontrol’s other benefits include an array of remote device management capabilities that allow authorized users to view the status of their technology, and make real-time hardware and software adjustments, which is especially useful for newer apps and devices.

Zebra TC58 mounted with help from Proclip and ScanOnline managed servicesWhen it came time to selecting a vehicle mount option, ProClip checked off all FSI’s boxes and more.  As a provider of mounting hardware for consumers and enterprise customers alike, ProClip is well-versed in matching their products thoughtfully with the right vehicle.  This level of service was put to the test early in the consultation process; FSI provided ScanOnline a list of their active vehicles in fleet, and without much delay, ProClip was able to turn around with a complete readout of their recommendations for each, which greatly simplified the ordering and installation process. 

Once all the stars aligned, everything fell into place: 

  • Zebra procured devices to ship to FSI to be staged for the app. 
  • ProClip sent all parts and materials for the mounts after recommendations were approved. 
  • BlueFletch built the new application’s 1st version with all essential components. 
  • SOTI and ScanOnline Managed Services worked together to get licenses necessary for app deployment 

After the dust settled, Chad had nothing but positives to share about the partner community that contributed to the project’s overall success from a deployment standpoint.  “BlueFletch, Zebra, SOTI and ProClip were all easy to work with and provided excellent support, improving my collaboration with FSI and ultimately the end solution.” Said Gilbert. 

Deployment and FSIoffice’s Experience Today:  Jack Faulkner, ScanOnline Managed Services Tier 3 Technician, and team leader, played an essential role in the route delivery solution’s rollout to FSI’s handheld pool alongside Chad and the BlueFletch team.  First, his work, and that of The ScanOnline Managed Services Group ensured that SOTI was properly staged onto all devices so that BlueFletch could immediately begin testing.  “SOTI is a fairly complex solution that has a lot of functions.” Said Faulker.  “While I fully believe the FSI team could eventually handle all the information, it’s easier and often more productive to have someone who can focus the learning on what they need first, then progress to additional features.”   

FSI Picking Items with Route Delivery AppSecond, Jack not only conducted a full demo of the route delivery solution for FSI’s end users, but he also made it a priority to be available on-site and remotely to ensure a successful rollout.  This extended to management and floor teams, which contributed to high levels of engagement and adaptation of the new platform in place.  “Working with Lowell and a few others was a joy,” Jack notes. “Their team picked up on all the details on how to be an administrator in SOTI in very little time and then ran with it!  We also had a good time talking about our businesses and experiences.” 

After 90 days, the results bear that the fruits of the labor were well worth the squeeze.  FSI’s feedback was so strong that the next phase of app enhancements is already underway for development. 

Brian Graves, ScanOnline PresidentBrian Graves couldn’t have been more pleased with the outcome, and the proud continuation of the FSI/ScanOnline partnership, as now seen through a new light – ScanOnline’s One Solution – a provider as-as-service offering.  “The unique aspect of this project was how much of a perfect example it was of the One Solution centric sale.”  

The One Solution mission captures the very essence of a unifying workforce solution, with segmented parts and aligned management services like this.  Graves elaborates: “One Solution as a management platform was designed to specifically deliver complex solutions across the entire technology portfolio for any project.  Hardware for barcoding, RFID, networking, communications, and printing along with the operational and management software required to use and manage each device.  Adding ScanOnline managed services to include deployment and such things as monitoring and RMA support, you have an eco-system of sales, design, support, and maintenance that keeps the customer’s assets high functioning for years.”